Library for typed translation and internationalization
enum TextKeys {
'Hello' = 'Hello', 'WithTextLink' = 'WithTextLink', 'Slang' = 'Slang',
PluralizedWithGender = 'PluralizedWithGender',
DirectText = 'DirectText',
Pluralized = 'Pluralized',
TextArray = 'TextArray',
PlaceHolderText = 'PlaceHolderText',
Gendered = 'Gendered',
NamedPlaceHolderText = 'NamedPlaceHolderText'
const translations: Translations<TextKeys> = {
'de-DE': {
PlaceHolderText: 'Text with {0}',
NamedPlaceHolderText: 'Text two with {MyVariable}',
DirectText: 'DirectText',
TextArray: ['TextArray1', 'TextArray2'],
WithTextLink: ['$(DirectText) with $(Slang)'],
Gendered: {
male: 'is male',
female: 'is female'
Pluralized: {
plural: {
zero: 'zero',
one: 'one',
few: 'few',
many: 'many',
other: 'other',
two: 'two'
PluralizedWithGender: {
plural: {
few: {
female: [''],
male: 'he has #'
one: {
female: ['plural-one-female # $(DirectText)'],
male: 'plural-one-male $(DirectText)'
other: 'plural-other $(DirectText)',
many: ''
ordinal: {
one: ['erstes $(Hello)'],
other: 'zweites $(Hello)'
Hello: ['Hallo', 'Hi', 'Servus'],
Slang: ['nasen', 'eumel', 'vögel']
// Initialize required languages
InitializeIntl(LanguageEnum.deDE, LanguageEnum.enGB);
// Initialize text library with text
const tlib = new TextLibrary(translations);
// Get a translator for a specific language
const t = tlib.getTranslator(LanguageEnum.deDE);
// Translate
const result = t.format({
key: TextKeys.PluralizedWithGender,
gender: GenderGroups.male,
plural: {
group: PluralGroups.plural,
value: 1
console.log(`format 1: ${result}`);
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