The animation steps to render in order. The maximum number of steps that you can define depends on the number of target gadgets that you specify.
To calculate the maximum number of steps that you can include in the sequence array for a given trigger, use the following formula: maxStepsPerSequence = 38 - numberOfTargetGadgetsSpecified * 3
For example, if you want to send animations to all buttons, you can send a maximum of 38 steps. If you specify one target button, then you can send at most 35 steps, and so on. The minimum number of steps is 0 (though a zero-step animation sets the animation for that trigger to blank, clearing any animation that is currently set for that trigger).
An array of strings that represent the light addresses on the target gadgets that this animation will be applied to. Because the Echo Button has one light only, use ["1"] to signify that this animation should be sent to light one.
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The number of times to play this animation. Minimum: 0. Maximum: 255.